
Elizabeth Welles, author, artist and playwright who lead this workshop is one of those women whose energy you just crave! She was gentle, intelligent, strong, focused, sincere and electric. You know those people you just feel good by being arond them? That's her. Whatever she's having, I'll have!!
Jennifer Mims, workshop participant
Tempe, AZ
I tend to forget about myself day to day. Between job, friends, and family, I rarely find the time to replenish lost energy. Elizabeth has the sensitivity and expertise to make me feel whole again.
RoseMarie Terenzio,
Account Executive
Jennifer Mims, workshop participant
Tempe, AZ
I tend to forget about myself day to day. Between job, friends, and family, I rarely find the time to replenish lost energy. Elizabeth has the sensitivity and expertise to make me feel whole again.
RoseMarie Terenzio,
Account Executive
Our guests speak highly about Elizabeth Welles' Corporate Guest Seminars. Her programs are assets to our conferences, and she is a delight to work with. We look forward to her next seminars with us.
Doffie Farrar, Executive Education,
Elizabeth conducts tailored individual and group sessions and people who work with her rave about her. I am one. In just one session, she was able to improve my interview performance significantly. I know the agency world, and I believe any agency could benefit from having someone like Elizabeth available. However, there is only one Elizabeth. Her perceptiveness, creativity, articulateness and especially her intuitive sensibility set her apart.
Stuart A. Cowan,
Executive Consultant
Her work is inspired and concrete. Guests rave about her programs and we hire her again and again.
Elizabeth Horton,
Director of Activities at the Oaks in Ojai
Elizabeth combines a compassion for people with a true gift for healing that is rare to find.
Richard Lipton,
Television Producer
Elizabeth helped me regain my confidence and focus. A session with Elizabeth is like taking a two week vacation.
Beth Salamon,
Advertising Adm. Assistant
In my life of deadlines, shoulds, and have to's, Elizabeth is the fresh air which fills my being with peace.
Cidny Klein,
In this sometimes-overwhelming world we live in I find myself trying to accomplish too many things at once. Elizabeth teaches you to slow down and focus. Great workshop.
Angela Inscoe,
Artist at a Corporate Seminar
Elizabeth provided me with concrete tools to ease me through a period of grief and loss. Her letter writing idea- one of many useful, soulful techniques - helped me to heal a hurting heart and go forward with my life with more joy and connectedness to my creative self. She really knows how to listen and can accomplish small miracles in even one session.
Jenny Phelps
This training is about making more time in your day without taking more time.
Rebecca Brownstein,
Managing Director, IMI
A unique and special experience packed with powerful tools to ease the tensions of day to day living . . . completely different from any other type of relaxation therapy.
Keith Prince,
Actor, Writer
Thank you for the creative energy you put into my essay: 1771 - The American Evolution. As a result of your contributions, it is my strongest and best-written work to date. Friends and fellow readers agree it is an original piece. I've given it to Kevin Spacey, and Marilyn and Alan Bergman to explain my overall project, Visions of America. It is being submitted to various publishers and will be posted on my website. I enjoyed the process of working with you and look forward to future collaborations.
Joseph Sohm,
Photojournalist and Historian
Elizabeth Welles is more than a healer. She's an inspiration. She invoked my creativity, which I feared had seen its day. She empowers, inspires and encourages. Thank you for reminding me, I am an artist.
Cindy Gregor,
Ojai, CA
Thank you again for the inspiration to begin anew at journaling and for providing very powerful techniques to motivate the process. I have been writing! And it has helped mellow the emotions so that other ideas can flow, just as you said it would happen. I loved the "magic box of words" and the "letters to yourself" and the "starting point of the present" that realy does get you started! I have already told several people about the workshop and have sent them to your website. Thank you again, Elizabeth. I got a lot out of it!
Joy Bell, workshop participant
Tempe, AZ
When I met with Elizabeth, I was blocked creatively, overwhelmed by to do lists and responsibilities. All I said to her was 'I need help feeling creative again. I'm burned out.' From that wonderful session with her, sprang forth a wealth of creative ideas. I put to use the suggestions she had to enhance my creative writing space and things to do to nourish my spirit. The creative spurt has not halted, thank Goodness. I thank Elizabeth.
Shy person requesting anonymity
Gentle methods, magical results.
Carol L. Healy,
Energy Medicine Therapist
You would not believe how far I've come since we last met. My healing started with my first journaling workshop with you. I continued journaling for years and years and then stopped. I had come to a point in my healing that there was nothing to say. I've started journaling again and it is so fulfilling. PS - Love your newsletter.
Steffi T.
Thank you so much for your love and support during our first GFG retreat. Your sessions were both meditative and deeply profound for all of us. Your gentle groundedness helps to balance us all. I am so grateful for your spirit.
Ali Grace, MA. MNLP, CHT
Founder of Guilt Free Goddess
Thank you so much for your inspiring words and friendly down to earth style. The talk you gave at my school gave me permission to relax and let life's divine flow do its work. I was inspired by your way and felt relieved afterwards. It was ok to finally give myself the pause that I needed to go inside myself and figure out what I want. You have a special way of speaking to the heart and mind of us all. You are a free spirit and warrior woman who lives their truth. And since hearing you speak, I am no longer afraid to live in my light, to be authentic in my life, and to live my truth. Thank you, Elizabeth, for your support, and kind words.
Marjani McCline, L.M.T
The Center of Natural Wellness, Albany, NY
Doffie Farrar, Executive Education,
Elizabeth conducts tailored individual and group sessions and people who work with her rave about her. I am one. In just one session, she was able to improve my interview performance significantly. I know the agency world, and I believe any agency could benefit from having someone like Elizabeth available. However, there is only one Elizabeth. Her perceptiveness, creativity, articulateness and especially her intuitive sensibility set her apart.
Stuart A. Cowan,
Executive Consultant
Her work is inspired and concrete. Guests rave about her programs and we hire her again and again.
Elizabeth Horton,
Director of Activities at the Oaks in Ojai
Elizabeth combines a compassion for people with a true gift for healing that is rare to find.
Richard Lipton,
Television Producer
Elizabeth helped me regain my confidence and focus. A session with Elizabeth is like taking a two week vacation.
Beth Salamon,
Advertising Adm. Assistant
In my life of deadlines, shoulds, and have to's, Elizabeth is the fresh air which fills my being with peace.
Cidny Klein,
In this sometimes-overwhelming world we live in I find myself trying to accomplish too many things at once. Elizabeth teaches you to slow down and focus. Great workshop.
Angela Inscoe,
Artist at a Corporate Seminar
Elizabeth provided me with concrete tools to ease me through a period of grief and loss. Her letter writing idea- one of many useful, soulful techniques - helped me to heal a hurting heart and go forward with my life with more joy and connectedness to my creative self. She really knows how to listen and can accomplish small miracles in even one session.
Jenny Phelps
This training is about making more time in your day without taking more time.
Rebecca Brownstein,
Managing Director, IMI
A unique and special experience packed with powerful tools to ease the tensions of day to day living . . . completely different from any other type of relaxation therapy.
Keith Prince,
Actor, Writer
Thank you for the creative energy you put into my essay: 1771 - The American Evolution. As a result of your contributions, it is my strongest and best-written work to date. Friends and fellow readers agree it is an original piece. I've given it to Kevin Spacey, and Marilyn and Alan Bergman to explain my overall project, Visions of America. It is being submitted to various publishers and will be posted on my website. I enjoyed the process of working with you and look forward to future collaborations.
Joseph Sohm,
Photojournalist and Historian
Elizabeth Welles is more than a healer. She's an inspiration. She invoked my creativity, which I feared had seen its day. She empowers, inspires and encourages. Thank you for reminding me, I am an artist.
Cindy Gregor,
Ojai, CA
Thank you again for the inspiration to begin anew at journaling and for providing very powerful techniques to motivate the process. I have been writing! And it has helped mellow the emotions so that other ideas can flow, just as you said it would happen. I loved the "magic box of words" and the "letters to yourself" and the "starting point of the present" that realy does get you started! I have already told several people about the workshop and have sent them to your website. Thank you again, Elizabeth. I got a lot out of it!
Joy Bell, workshop participant
Tempe, AZ
When I met with Elizabeth, I was blocked creatively, overwhelmed by to do lists and responsibilities. All I said to her was 'I need help feeling creative again. I'm burned out.' From that wonderful session with her, sprang forth a wealth of creative ideas. I put to use the suggestions she had to enhance my creative writing space and things to do to nourish my spirit. The creative spurt has not halted, thank Goodness. I thank Elizabeth.
Shy person requesting anonymity
Gentle methods, magical results.
Carol L. Healy,
Energy Medicine Therapist
You would not believe how far I've come since we last met. My healing started with my first journaling workshop with you. I continued journaling for years and years and then stopped. I had come to a point in my healing that there was nothing to say. I've started journaling again and it is so fulfilling. PS - Love your newsletter.
Steffi T.
Thank you so much for your love and support during our first GFG retreat. Your sessions were both meditative and deeply profound for all of us. Your gentle groundedness helps to balance us all. I am so grateful for your spirit.
Ali Grace, MA. MNLP, CHT
Founder of Guilt Free Goddess
Thank you so much for your inspiring words and friendly down to earth style. The talk you gave at my school gave me permission to relax and let life's divine flow do its work. I was inspired by your way and felt relieved afterwards. It was ok to finally give myself the pause that I needed to go inside myself and figure out what I want. You have a special way of speaking to the heart and mind of us all. You are a free spirit and warrior woman who lives their truth. And since hearing you speak, I am no longer afraid to live in my light, to be authentic in my life, and to live my truth. Thank you, Elizabeth, for your support, and kind words.
Marjani McCline, L.M.T
The Center of Natural Wellness, Albany, NY